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4th Annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency Dublin, Ireland
24 junio, 2019 - 25 junio, 2019

La cuarta Conferencia mundial anual sobre eficiencia energética de la Agencia Internacional de Energía se llevará a cabo en Dublín, Irlanda, el lunes 24 y el martes 25 de junio.
El Primer Ministro irlandés, Sr. Leo Varadkar, abrirá el evento solo por invitación, que contará con la presencia de ministros, directores generales y jefes de organizaciones internacionales.
La cuarta Conferencia mundial anual de la Agencia Internacional de Energía sobre Eficiencia Energética tendrá lugar en Dublín, Irlanda, el lunes 24 y el martes 25 de junio. El Primer Ministro irlandés, el Sr. Leo Varadkar, abrirá el evento solo por invitación.
La conferencia anual de la IEA atrae a una gran audiencia internacional y reúne a ministros, directores ejecutivos, jefes de organizaciones internacionales y otros líderes de alto nivel para avanzar en el progreso mundial en materia de eficiencia energética. Sobre la base del éxito de eventos anteriores, esperamos participantes de alto nivel de más de 50 países.
Un enfoque particular del evento de este año será el impacto de la digitalización en la eficiencia energética y las lecciones aprendidas de los líderes de todo el mundo. Los temas adicionales incluirán innovaciones de financiamiento, negocios y políticas, y los múltiples beneficios de la eficiencia energética. El evento contará con representantes de alto nivel de las principales compañías de tecnología para describir cómo las tecnologías innovadoras pueden mejorar la eficiencia energética global.
Los miembros de la prensa están invitados a asistir a la conferencia. La agenda completa se puede encontrar en el sitio web de la IEA. Para registrar su asistencia, comuníquese con la oficina de prensa de IEA en press@iea.org.
The International Energy Agency’s fourth annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency will take place in Dublin, Ireland, on Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 June.
The Irish Prime Minister, Mr Leo Varadkar, will open the invitation-only event, which will feature Ministers, CEOs and heads of international organisations.
Government Perspectives
Chair: Richard Bruton, Minister for Communications, Climate Action & Environment, Ireland
• Zhang Yong, Vice-Chairman, National Development and Reform Commission, China
• Mark W. Menezes, Under Secretary of Energy, United States Department of Energy
• Hennadiy Zubko, Vice Prime Minister, Minister for Regional Development, Construction and Housing, Ukraine
• Claude Turmes, Minister for Energy & Minister for Spatial Planning, Luxembourg
• Barbara Botos, Deputy Secretary of State for Climate, Hungary
• João Galamba, Secretary of State for Energy, Portugal
Business Perspectives
- Lisa Davis, CEO Gas and Power, Siemens AG
• Pierre André de Chalendar, CEO, Saint-Gobain
• Francesco Venturini, CEO, Enel X
• Hakan Bulgurlu, CEO, Arcelik
• Andrew McDowell, Vice President, European Investment Bank
Special Address
- Yannick Glemarec, Executive Director, Green Climate Fund
Global Policy Insights
- Raj Pal, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Power, India
• Mohammed bin Jarsh Al-Falasi, Undersecretary, Department of Energy, Abu Dhabi
• Benoît Revaz, State Secretary, Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Switzerland
• Ulrich Benterbusch, Deputy Director General, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany
• Laura Sandys, Chair, Energy Data Taskforce, United Kingdom
• Jürgen Schneider, Director General, Federal Ministry for Sustainability & Tourism, Austria
Global Market Insights
- Tuuli Sarvilinna, VP Business Development, Danfoss Drives
• Sandra Schoonhoven, Head of Global Sustainability, ING
• Yukiko Araki, Executive General Manager, Hitachi
• Terrill Laughton, Vice President and General Manager of Energy Optimization and Connected Offerings, Johnson Controls
• Stephen Harper, Global Director, Environment and Energy Policy, Intel
25 June, Tuesday, at the Mansion House
The second day of the conference will feature senior leaders and experts from across the globe, and will be dedicated to in-depth discussions on trending efficiency topics. Sessions will be structured around themes like business models and financing innovations, digital technologies and systems, behavioural trends and policy innovations
A New Era of Efficiency Progress
- Helen Clarkson, CEO, The Climate Group
• Jules Kortenhorst, CEO, Rocky Mountain Institute
• Julie O’Neill, Chair, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
• Mel Ydreos, Director of Public Affairs, International Gas Union
• Anne Arquit Niederberger, Vice President, Market Development, Enervee
Finance and Business Models
- Terry McCallion, Director, Energy Efficiency and Climate Change, EBRD
• Lily Zhao, Vice Director, ESCO Committee of China Energy Conservation Association
• Noura Al-Saud, Partner AEON Strategy, Saudi Arabia
• Monica Gazmuri Del Curto, Director General, ANESCO Chile
Enabling Efficiency Through Digitalisation
- Jeff Hamel, Director Global Energy and Enterprise Partnerships, Google
• Mike Hughes, President, UK & Ireland, Schneider Electric
• Charlotte Wang, Founder and CEO, EQuota, China
• Sau Sheong Chang, CEO, Singapore Power Digital
• Nikola Sucevic, Chief Data Scientist, PT Smartfren Telecom
Please see the attached agenda:
The International Energy Agency’s fourth annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency will take place in Dublin, Ireland, on Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 June. The Irish Prime Minister, Mr Leo Varadkar, will open the invitation-only event.
The IEA’s annual conference draws a large international audience and brings together ministers, CEOs, heads of international organisations and other senior leaders to advance global progress on energy efficiency. Building on the success of previous events, we expect high-level participants from more than 50 countries.
A particular focus of this year’s event will be the impact of digitalisation on energy efficiency, and lessons learned from leaders around the world. Additional themes will include financing, business and policy innovations, and the multiple benefits of energy efficiency. The event will feature senior representatives from major technology companies to outline how innovative technologies can enhance global energy efficiency.
Members of the press are invited to attend the conference. The full agenda can be found on the IEA’s website. To register your attendance, please contact the IEA press office at press@iea.org.